
Rights and Responsibilities

The following rights and responsibilities are based on a range of sources including the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights:

• To be provided with reasonable care and skill by a qualified health professional.
• To be able to access services to address your health care needs
• To be treated with respect and dignity regardless of gender, culture, religion, wellbeing, age or nationality.
• To have details of your condition and your treatment kept confidential. (Refer to Privacy Brochure)
• To be provided with clear and concise information regarding your condition and treatment.
• To be fully involved in decisions about your care and have the opportunity to ask questions.

This Means:
• To be given clear explanations about your care and what to expect during and before any treatment or involvement
in a program is carried out.
• To be fully informed about any costs before participation.
• To have assistance arranged from the free and confidential interpreter services (if required)
• To be involved with decisions regarding your discharge from the service.
• To have access to a compliments, comments and complaints process, which can be anonymous.

You can:
• Withdraw consent for treatment any time.
• Refuse to be seen by a student.
• Refuse to be part of any research project.
• Exercise any of these rights on behalf of a child when you are the parent / guardian.

We welcome your feedback, whether it is a compliment or a complaint. All feedback is viewed as an opportunity to improve our services.
If you have any concerns about your HealthWISE experience or wish to compliment a staff member please feel free to contact us.

• Know and disclose medical history including medications.
• Keep appointments or advise those concerned if unable to do so.
• Inform health professional if receiving treatment from another health professional.
• Conduct yourself in a manner that doesn’t interfere with the well being or rights of other clients or staff.
• To answer questions about your health honestly and frankly.

Smoke-free environment
• All clients, patients and visitors of HealthWISE are expected to comply with our Smoke-free Workplace Policy, by not smoking in any of our buildings, grounds or vehicles.
• Quit smoking information and counselling support is available.

Safe Environment
• All clients, carers, visitors and staff of HealthWISE have the right to access and work in a safe environment.
• HealthWISE staff use positive behaviour support strategies to prevent, minimise and respond to challenging behaviours in order to minimise the risk of harm to clients, carers and staff.

If you would like to discuss you rights and responsibilities, please phone 02 6766 1394, and ask for the Corporate Services Manager.

Email: feedback@healthwise.org.au

Post: PO Box 1916, TAMWORTH NSW 2390