
Two budding leaders from diverse backgrounds will have the unique opportunity to gain some real-world experience by joining the board of a local non-profit.

HealthWISE is inviting locals to apply for a 6 month board traineeship to develop practical skills in a supportive professional environment by participating in discussions and governance activities. Commencing in January 2023, the traineeship includes a fully funded governance training course.

“I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to give back and gain from working with these amazing professionals,” said Rachael Sowden, who participated in the traineeship for the past 6 months.

She said the traineeship was an “excellent opportunity”, which allowed her to improve her skills through “an Australian Institute of Company Directors course, a mentor from the board plus attending board meetings and being included in the work of the board which is diverse and community focused.”

“HealthWISE is very proud of this initiative,” board chair Lia Mahony said. “Building the capacity to support governance of not-for-profit organisations and to grow local talent is part of HealthWISE’s commitment to make social change in our communities.”

This opportunity is available to people who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, live with a disability, are from a non-English speaking background, people of diverse gender and sexuality or those who are part of another minority group. Participants should be located within the HealthWISE service footprint of the New England North West region of NSW and parts of the Darling Downs West Moreton and Goondiwindi regions of QLD.

Rachael Sowden said the traineeship was fantastic, and an excellent opportunity to increase her skills in board governance.

HealthWISE is committed to investing in diversity, both in its own board and leadership in the wider community, and actively encourages young people with diverse lived experiences and backgrounds to apply. This may include educational, work or personal experiences that are relevant to the role.

HealthWISE is a ‘for purpose’ (not for profit), registered charity focused on creating better health for its communities. The organisation provides primary health care programs and clinical services across its growing service footprint.

Visit our careers page to read the selection criteria or learn more about this opportunity. Click here to see the range of communities HealthWISE operates in.

To register your interest and obtain more information please contact Susanne Kable on 02 6792 5514 or via susanne.kable@healthwise.org.au. Applications close on December 9.